Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX) Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX) Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX) Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX) Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX)

Mrs. Amy Dandrade To All Instructors

Favorite Bible verse: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
REX courses: MS World History
Amy Dandrade has been happily married to her husband Paul for over 22 years and has resided with her family in Chesapeake, VA for the past decade. She has been homeschooling her two teenage sons for 14 years.  Most recently, she has devoted much of her time and talents to creating and directing REX.  With an education in Psychology, Amy's homeschool philosophy is centered around her understanding that all people learn differently and realizing the benefit of finding and utilizing what works best for each child in each subject. As an instructor at REX her greatest joy is seeing and fostering the "lightbulb moments" where students show their excitement for understanding a new concept. 

Current Classes
American Government and Economics – Instructor (closed)
World History 2021-2022 – Instructor (open)
High School 11-12 Writing Lab 2022-2023 – (open)
High School 9-10 Writing Lab 2022-2023 – (open)
American History 2023-2024 – (open)
Economics – (open)
History of Science 2024-2025 – (open)