Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX) Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX) Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX) Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX) Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX)



All REX fees are non-refundable and due within 30 days of billing unless otherwise noted. For ease, families are encouraged to make payments on the REX website: Checks should be made out to Reaching for Educational Excellence. A late fee of $15 per family will be charged for registration and/or insurance if not received within 7 days of the due date. A returned check fee of $30 will also apply. Families that do not pay for Special Events, including Field Trips, or families that miss a deadline time will be assessed a 20% fee.

· Family Website Fee – All families are required to pay a $10 annual fee to cover the cost of Homeschool-Life web hosting. Payment of this fee is required before a class registration day is assigned.

· Background Check Fee – River Oak Church (ROC) requires all adults that spend time on campus to have a background check. This fee varies depending on the service they use. This fee will be assessed to every new family, and then every 3 years.

· Registration Fee – All families are expected to pay a non-refundable, registration fee per student. This fee is to cover administrative costs for REX.

      • Registration Fee Payment Schedule ($325 cap per family):
        • $75 per student if paid before Aug 1
        • $125 per student from Aug 1

· Insurance – All families will contribute to the Insurance policy for General Liability and Accidental Medical Coverage. The total amount will be divided equally between all participating families.

· Class Supply Fees – All families will pay a supply fee for each class per student determined by the instructor.

· Late Fee--$15 for Registration and/or insurance; 20% for Missed or delayed Special Events or Field Trip payments.