Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX) Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX) Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX) Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX) Reaching for Educational Excellence (REX)

REX Application for Enrollment

indicates a required answer


Thank you for applying to REX! We work hard to provide our families with excellent classes in a challenging and encouraging community. Our mission focuses on guiding the students with curriculum taught from a Christian perspective. Our prayer is that every homeschooling family can find the best community for their family.  Please take a few minutes to fill out this form, so we can get to know you better.

1. *

Parent's name

2. *

Please list the name(s), age(s), and grade(s) of the prosepctive student(s).

3. *

Do you have other students that may be interested in REX in later years?  Please list their name(s) and age(s).

4. *

Phone number

5. *

Please enter your email address.

6. *

Why do you homeschool? 

7. *

How long have you been homeschooling?

8. *

Please tell us a little bit about your homeschooling journey.

9. *

What specific curricula have you used for homeschooling?

10. *

Understanding that we all come from different Christian backgrounds and have varying homeschool philosophies, the one thing that unites our group is each individual’s commitment to a personal relationship with Christ. Briefly share about your relationship with Christ and how this affects your homeschooling journey.

11. *

What are your homeschooling goals?

12. *

Why are you interested in joining a homeschool co-op? 

13. *

How did you hear about REX?

14. *

Why would you like your student(s) to attend REX?

15. *

Please tell us why you think your family would be a good fit for REX.  

16. *

REX partners with families for the benefit of the students.  Instructors will determine the content and pace of the course while setting academic standards and deadlines.  Parents are expected to work with/oversee students at home during the week, ensuring that they are doing their best to learn and review concepts and classroom material.  How will you make this work for your family?

17. *

REX embodies community. How active do you plan to be in our extracurricular/fellowship opportunities?

18. *

Will you be participating in any other homeschool program and/or co-op during the year you are applying to be an REX member? If so, please list below.

19. *

Please provide a timeline of your child’s educational history.  (Include public/private school and/or homeschool experiences.)

20. *

What are your child’s interests and extra-curricular activities?

21. *

Has your child ever been tested or received professional help for reading or learning differences? If yes, please explain.

22. *

Has your child ever experienced disciplinary action from a school or co-op including but not limited to the issuance of formal warnings, suspension, or expulsion?  If yes, please explain.

23. *

Are there any special factors or conditions, including special medications or allergies, affecting your child about which REX  needs to be informed? If yes, please explain.

24. *

Parents, if you are interested in potentially instructing a class at REX, please indicate any areas of training, experience, or educational background pertaining to your aptitudes or expertise.